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    Suspendisse ultricies nisl erat, molestie consectetur ex ullamcorper at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus in pellentesque justo, id bibendum tortor. Nam quis fringilla sapien. Donec fringilla pharetra urna, et tristique lacus gravida eu. Pellentesque eget suscipit velit. Aliquam blandit purus ligula, eu iaculis tortor commodo nec.

  • Featured Image Full Width0

    Nam faucibus magna et cursus ornare. Nam congue quam id urna faucibus, vitae ultricies tellus maximus. Mauris eu accumsan nibh. Praesent vel odio vel nisl imperdiet feugiat. Quisque maximus ante lorem, tincidunt malesuada velit ultricies non. Vivamus condimentum bibendum vulputate. Pellentesque quis nisl dapibus, suscipit lacus facilisis, finibus nunc. Mauris vel tellus quis mi egestas

  • FDA: New rules will make food safer0

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday proposed the most sweeping food safety rules in decades, requiring farmers and food companies to be more vigilant in the wake of deadly outbreaks in peanuts, cantaloupe and leafy greens.  Yahoo! News, 1/5/2013

  • FDA: Limit antibiotics given to animals?0

    The Food and Drug Administration called on drug companies last week to help limit the use of antibiotics in farm animals, a decades-old practice that scientists say has contributed to a surge in dangerous, drug-resistant bacteria. Under the new FDA guidelines, the agency recommends antibiotics be used "judiciously," or only when necessary to keep animals

  • FDA won’t ban BPA from food packages; Environmental groups charge bisphenol-A is a hormone-disrupting chemical0

    For now, products containing bisphenol-A, a chemical found in food packaging, food containers, and other materials, will continue to appear on US store shelves. The government claims there isn't enough proof that BPA causes harm to humans. NY Daily News, 4/2/2012

  • FDA warns of ‘Z-Pack’ dangers0

    The FDA has issued a health warning for the most widely prescribed antibiotic for bacterial infections (including bronchitis and pneumonia). The drug is sold as Zithromax or Zmax, but it is commonly known as 'Z-Pack.' The FDA says it could trigger potentially irregular heart rhythms and could be deadly for some patients with heart problems. wtnh.com, 3/14/2013


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