• Friends of a Certain Age: Why Is It Hard to Make Friends Over 30?0

    Finding people you want to spend time with can be a challenge when life gets in the way. Rebecca G. Adams, a professor of sociology and gerontology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, explains the phenomenon like this: As external conditions change (people coupling off, having kids, changing jobs, etc.), it simply becomes

  • Friendly Fight: A Smarter Way to Say ‘I’m Angry’0

    In a culture where it's easy to fire off a snippy email or text, most of us have a hard time honestly expressing anger face to face. When we're upset, most of us would rather not talk about it, preferring to rant or to clam up. This article offers a guide to more productive anger.

  • Frequent heartburn raises throat cancer risk 80 percent, study finds0

    According to a new study, frequent heartburn may lead to cancers of the throat and vocal cord, but over-the-counter antacids may help reduce that risk. People with frequent heartburn were found to have a 78% increased risk for developing cancers of the throat and vocal cord if they were not heavy drinkers or smokers, while

  • Free formula samples at hospitals raise concern0

    By sending patients home with goodie bags filled with infant formula, are hospitals encouraging new moms to use formula rather than breastfeeding, which is considered a healthier option for both the baby and the mother? Yahoo! News, 9/25/2011

  • Franken-Salmon on the Horizon0

    The FDA has said that they can find no valid scientific reason to ban the production of genetically modified AquAdvantage salmon, which is engineered (using Pacific Chinook salmon growth hormones) to grow twice as fast as ordinary fish. The FDA's finding clears one of the last remaining hurdles for GM salmon to be lawfully sold and eaten

  • Fran Drescher: ‘Happily’ green0

    “Happily Divorced” star Fran Drescher is giving house-hold toxins the boot. A survivor of uterine cancer, Drescher knows that many cancers have environmental causes and are associated with the dangerous chemicals we bring into our own homes. Through her foundation CancerSchmancer.org, she has created a program called Trash Cancer that encourages consumers to be aware of


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