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- Home & Family
- December 15, 2010
College admission officers say the gap year is gaining momentum. And now, some of the nation's most competitive colleges — Harvard, Middlebury and Princeton, among others — have adopted formal policies to allow students to defer their admission. Higher education experts say that giving students an opportunity to explore the real world for a year
READ MOREMusic therapy has helped Gabrielle Giffords relearn how to talk. As Dr. Oliver Sacks, professor of Neurology at Columbia University, explains, "Nothing activates the brain so extensively as music." When a person can't speak, they can still sing, because a different part of the brain is involved. Seeing the transformation in Congresswoman Giffords— and the
READ MOREThe closing story on ABC World News dealt with how inspired viewers have been by the coverage of Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford's remarkable recovery after a bullet entered her brain. Anchor Diane Sawyer said the response to Gifford's transformation– from barely being able to respond just nine months ago, to speaking out after undergoing intense physical,
READ MORENickelodeon’s latest research may be a bit shocking to parents: the average kid watches 35 hours of television a week, which is almost equivalent to a full work week. The data shows that kids watch 12% more TV than they did just 9 years ago.
READ MOREProduce for Kids recently teamed up with Stop & Shop, Publix Super Markets, and more than 15 fruit and vegetable suppliers for the Healthy Schools, Healthy Minds campaign, during which more than $169,000 was raised to benefit local health and wellness classroom projects. Participating fresh fruit and vegetable suppliers made donations based on the support
READ MOREThere's a new kid on the fundraising block: Crowdrise. Crowdrise is quickly gaining popularity with celebrities and social media gurus. Here's the story of how the creators got started, where they are going, and how celebrities like Ed Norton, Jimmy Kimmel and Danny DeVito have been using the platform to further the causes they care about. SheKnows, 2/1/2013