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  • What Couples Want to Know But Are Too Shy to Ask0

    Read on for tips on how to talk to your spouse about improving your sex life, particularly when you're not satisfied or when problems arise. The Wall Street Journal, 5/29/2012

  • What Cocktail Parties Teach Us0

    Melinda Beck looks at the "cocktail party effect," in which people are able to focus on one conversation while being aware of conversations going on around them. Researchers say we can train our brains to maximize this kind of awareness, although the brain is wired to focus on just one thing. Read on to find

  • What are trans fats, anyway, and why are they so bad?0

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced that trans fats should be removed from the food that we eat, but some consumers may be left wondering why. Trans fats, or trans fatty acids, are used by food manufacturers to extend the shelf life of products.

  • What a party animal! Betty White celebrates her 90th birthday at the Los Angeles Zoo0

    Actress and animal advocate Betty White celebrated her 90th birthday with a party on Saturday at the Los Angeles Zoo, a place she has called "her second home." This was not the first big event honoring the beloved television star's milestone birthday; a star-studded birthday special aired last week on NBC, during which even President

  • Weight-Watchers Overhauls Points System0

    TGFY Network would like to say GOOD FOR YOU to Weight-Watchers for recognizing the importance of natural, unprocessed foods! Weight-Watchers surprised its legion of users last week when it updated and overhauled its immensely popular points-based dieting system in order to stress the importance of healthier food choices over those which are highly processed. ABC

  • Weighing the Need for a Landline in a Cellphone World0

    The government estimates that 38.2% of households in the U.S. don’t have a landline phone. So, what happens when there is an emergency and cell service is down? A group of emergency professionals from California brought the issue of dialing 911 from mobile phones into the spotlight after finding that a caller’s location wasn’t always readily available for emergency responders. Landline phones are better for calling 911 because they make it easier for dispatchers to locate you by providing your address.


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