• How to prepare for a hurricane0

    With Hurricane Irene headed to the East Coast, this article offers some helpful tips on how to prepare if you're in a home, apartment building, on the shore, or in a city. Philly.com, 8/25/2011

  • How to Parent Like a Man0

    Elizabeth Mayhew, editor-in-chief of Woman’s Day magazine, explains how men and women can learn from each others’ different parenting styles. The Today Show, 11/28/201

  • How to Make Your Older Car More Eco-Friendly0

    While you might be tempted to buy a new hybrid that boasts eco-friendliness, buying a new product can actually cause more harm than just using your old car in a more eco-friendly way. This article has a wealth of tips for operating your car in a way that both helps the environment AND preserves the

  • How to Make Optimism Work for You0

    It's not just about seeing the glass as half full and being an optimist, but the actions you take that can positively affect your life. Recent college graduates searching for work in today's job market, along with older adults trying to re-enter the workplace and those who lost jobs and must now reinvent themselves, can

  • How to look forward to life again0

    With the stress of daily life, many of us have experienced a time when we felt there was nothing to look forward to. In order to look forward to life again, we need stay present rather than worrying about the future. We also need to know when to push ourselves and when to take a

  • How to Live More and Regret Less0

    The best way to beat regret is to get out and live life.  Read on for ideas! Huffington Post, 12/21/2010


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