• Michael J. Fox looks past stem cells in search for Parkinson’s cure0

    Michael J. Fox, whose turn from Parkinson’s disease patient to scientific crusader made him one of the country’s most visible advocates for stem cell research, now says of the controversial therapy, "There have been some issues with stem cells, some problems along the way… Other avenues of research have grown and multiplied and become as

  • Mich. Woman Delivers Clothing To Impoverished Areas Of The World0

    25-year old Mallory Brown is being recognized as the Huffington Post's Greatest Person of the Day today, and for good reason. If you trace her story back to its original appearance in the   Farmington-Farmington Hills Patch, you will see that Brown founded World Clothes Line (WCL) to collect clothing and deliver it to people in

  • Mich. man encourages others to “Pass it Forward”0

    Steve Hartman tells the story of Bob Hoffman and his "Pass it Forward" mission to encourage and inspire Americans to perform random acts of kindness. Says Hoffman, "Wouldn't it be awesome if we had a day, all across America or the world, to do random acts of kindness or just be kind for somebody else

  • Metal Shavings Found in Baby Formula0

    Mom Michele Myler was alarmed when she noticed something very unusual in her son’s baby formula: metal. Myler sent a sample of the formula, called Enfamil A.R., to the manufacturer for testing, and the metal shavings from the formula were identified as aluminum dust. Though the manufacturer recognized the problem, they declined to issue a

  • Message to Self: In 2015, Stop Texting While Walking0

    How often do you text while walking and find yourself oblivious to what’s going on around you? It happened to New York Times writer Nick Bilton one time too many. After literally colliding head-on into another man who was also not paying attention because he too was busy texting, Bilton decided it was time for a New Year’s resolution: Make a conscious effort to stop what research has shown has become an all too common practice for many.

  • Message Center Overview0

    The Good For You Message Center lets employees share something good that they are doing for themselves & others, express thanks and gratitude to co-workers, congratulate for a job well done, motivate & inspire, encourage & support. It’s good for employee morale and good for corporate CSR and health & wellness initiatives. In addition to


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