Home and Family Resources
- Home & Family
- December 15, 2010
Miles Scott, a 5-year-old who has had leukemia since he was 18 months old, saved the day as a mini-Batman in San Francisco, thanks to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The Foundation created a day-long event for Miles, transforming San Francisco into a real-life comic book version of Gotham City in honor of the boy’s wish to be a Batkid.
READ MOREIf one day there was a drug on the market that could decrease your chance of developing dementia by 60%, would you consider taking it? But there is something we can all do right now, which is one of the interesting points made by Dr. Norman Doidge, author of The Brain’s Way of Healing.
READ MOREActor Orlando Bloom’s mother is crafting a cultivating children’s tale about a caterpillar overcomes a harsh world to benefit the organization Butterfly Conservation. The book, which is aimed at children ages 4-7, also includes activity ideas for teachers and families, as well as tips on how to rear caterpillars and how to manage your garden
READ MOREA national organization started under the direction of a Glasgow native has partnered with a local animal shelter to train dogs to serve children with autism. Dana Emmitt-Hall, a former elementary school teacher whose son was diagnosed with autism, started the Blessings Unleashed Foundation in 2007. The foundation has placed seven dogs with families in
READ MOREOrganic Valley, the nation's oldest organic farmer-owned cooperative, and National Cooperative Grocers Association (NCGA), a business services cooperative serving consumer-owned food co-ops nationwide, today announced they are joining forces to improve school lunches (which, as we know, are in desperate need of improvement). Organic Valley and NCGA will launch a national promotion this fall to support